%TITLE% | The main title of the image |
%SUBTITLE% | The subtitle of the image |
%IMAGE% | The image itself with all its attributes such as height, width and alt tags. |
%IURL% | The URL of the image |
%HEIGHT% | The height of the image |
%WIDTH% | The width of the image |
%LURL% | The link URL of the image (if specified) |
%ALT% | The ALT text to go with the link URL (if specified |
%SINDEX% | Link to the slides index window or dropdown index. |
%COUNTER% | The slideshow counter. |
%BUTTONS% | The direction control buttons. |
%LINKS% | All control links |
%DIRECTIONLINKS% | Directional control links |
%SIZELINKS% | Resizing control links |
%REFRESHLINKS% | Refresh control links |
%RANDOMLINK% | Random control link |
%REVERSELINK% | Reverse control link |
%CONTROLS% | The control panel including %COUNTER%, %BUTTONS% and %LINKS% |
%OBJECT1% | Can be used for any purpose such as additional URL's, text etc |
%OBJECT2% | Can be used for any purpose such as additional URL's, text etc |
%OBJECT3% | Can be used for any purpose such as additional URL's, text etc |
%OBJECT4% | Can be used for any purpose such as additional URL's, text etc |
%OBJECT5% | Can be used for any purpose such as additional URL's, text etc |
%OBJECT6% | Can be used for any purpose such as additional URL's, text etc |
%OBJECT7% | Can be used for any purpose such as additional URL's, text etc |
%OBJECT8% | Can be used for any purpose such as additional URL's, text etc |
%OBJECT9% | Can be used for any purpose such as additional URL's, text etc |